Sunday, March 25, 2018

Mar 25 - TRANT (30)

What's up family and friends? This week honestly feels like a pretty long week. Last week we had the district conference and this week was just jam packed with lessons and times.

Some highlights of the week are Ange, Kilary, and Tsy kivy:

So to start off with Ange, we have been teaching Ange for like 3 weeks now and he is loving the lessons every time we come he is ready and prepared for us to teach him. He always tells us that we don't spend enough time with him and that we need to stay longer and give him more. He has told us that he is convinced that our church is true and that just logically the Book of Mormon is the word of God, he still needs some time to read it and come to know the spirit that tells him it is true. He is progressing really well.

Kilary, Kilary is not the smartest man in the world but he is definitely one of the most humble who is ready for the gospel. He has come to church the past 2 weeks and has been reading the pamphlet and asking great questions, his job right now is he purchases alcohol and the sells it to stores, that then sell it to people. He asked us this week if god was ok with it, and he justified it by saying that he is not selling it to anyone and he doesn't drink it, it just gives him money. We asked him what he thinks god thinks about it, he said he probably doesn't like it, I told him he is probably right. So we will see if he quits his job.

Finally Tsy kivy, we taught him for the first time last night, he was really interested about it and looking forward all of our teachings. We gave him a pamphlet and told him he needs to read it before our next time. He was really excited and told us he would read it that night, I didn't believe him because it was already like 8 at night and usually Malagasy's go to bed at 9, but at about 11:30 at night last night he sent a message that said "I have read the pamphlet and I love it and am looking forward to the next time I see you, have a great night." 

Life is going great here in Fort D, this Saturday we will have another baptism. I love my mission and my time to serve here.

Elder Wolfgramm

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